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Our School Story

Maple Lane Elementary:

Maple Lane is an elementary school located in South-Central Richmond. The school was built in 1974 to serve the residents of the new Maple Lane subdivisions and recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. We are a close-knit community with 11 divisions and 266 students.

Over the past three years, Maple Lane’s School Story has focused on Social/Emotional learning in the area of growth mindset. Our goal has been to foster resiliency in our students and to equip them to persevere in the face of adversity. Students have been learning how to use self-talk when facing and overcoming challenges. In 2023/24, an inquiry group was formed to focus on resiliency and flexible thinking in the area of numeracy. This group engaged in professional learning to implement teaching strategies to support students with using multiple strategies to solve problems, persevering when facing challenges, collaborating with classmates and communicating their mathematical thinking. Teachers reported an increase in student capacity with these curricular competencies and have planned to continue exploring ways to further develop them.

For the 2024/25 school year, Maple Lane will be continuing with Social/Emotional learning as the focus of its school story. We will be focussing on the Valuing Diversity facet from the BC Curriculum:

“Students value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for issues, and interact ethically with others. They are inclusive in their language and behaviour and recognize that everyone has something to contribute. Their approach to inclusive relationships exemplifies commitment to developing positive communities.” (BCMOE, Social Awareness and Responsibility, 2024)

Our goal is to create a school environment where diversity is celebrated, and students have a high sense of belonging. We know that when students feel pride in who they are and feel seen and represented in their school community, they will be better equipped to engage academically and intellectually at school.

September 2022


Our Focus

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