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Our School Story

Maple Lane Elementary:

Maple Lane is an elementary school located in South-Central Richmond. This close knit school was built in 1974 to serve the residents of the new Maple Lane subdivision between No 3 Road and Gilbert and between Williams Road and Steveston Highway. Our enrolment as of September 2023 is 265 students.


Over the past two years, Maple Lane Elementary has focused on fostering growth mindset in our students. We want our students to continue to develop their understanding of resilience and have the ability to persevere when facing adversity. As a community, we have explored a variety of questions, including: What is resiliency? What do students do when they face adversity and struggle? and How can we support students so that they can develop resiliency?

Our staff is now exploring how growth mindset and resiliency look in different subject areas. For example, a group of teachers is engaged in an inquiry project in the area of numeracy, with the following question: How can we foster flexible thinking, problem solving and communication skills with our students so they can develop numeracy and resiliency?

September 2022


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