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Year in Review: What Actions Did we Take?

As the 2022-2023 year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the actions we have taken in our efforts to hone our understanding of resilience and how to develop resilience in ourselves and our students. 

  • As a staff, we continued to take time at every staff meeting to learn about resilience, reflect on what actions we were taking and develop next steps.
  • As a leader, I provided collaboration for staff teams so they could plan together.
  • During collaboration, I worked with classes on growth mindset concepts.
  • As a staff, we spent time on a professional development day thinking about the concept of jungle tiger vs zoo tiger and what we could do to make our classrooms safe places for jungle tigers to take risks and grow.
  • As a staff, we identified next steps for our learning journey.  One thing we decided was important was to communicate what we are working on around resilience to our families and why it is important.
  • We created bulletin boards around the school with student voice about positive self-talk and doing hard things.
  • We used the Week at a Glance as a way to further communicate our focus on resilience and perseverance.
  • We started to look at resilience across the curriculum using our Numeracy Innovation Grant.

One of our bulletin boards about our inquiry.

Staff supporting students with risk taking as they try new activities such as rock climbing and canoeing.

Updated: Monday, June 12, 2023