Our New Social Responsibility Acronym: S.P.A.R.K.
In the Spring of 2018, all stakeholders in the Maple Lane community worked together to create our school Social Responsibility Acronym called S.P.A.R.K. Our acronym stands for Safe, Positive, Accountable, Respectful and Kind. We arrived upon these values together when students, parents and staff completed a 'Values Survey'. Our social responsibility acronym guides how we interact with each other as we work, learn and play. Our acronym provides a framework and common language that can be used at school and at home.
Of particular importance to our School Story and Framework for Enhancing Student Learning, is the focus on positivity (Positive). Our school focus on Growth Mindset connects very well to being Positive. Being Positive can apply to how we interact with others and also how we view ourselves and the things we do. When we strive to accomplish and achieve, sometimes we are successful and sometimes we fail. How we view ourselves when we are successful or unsuccessful is related to our mindset. We can view setbacks as negative, and have a fixed mindset, where we don't believe we will ever be able to accomplish something; or we can see setbacks as a learning experience, where with a growth mindset we believe we can accomplish something by practicing and learning. We will promote having a growth mindset and being positive about our ability to learn by viewing challenges as a learning experince - one that with determiniation and effort can be achieved.