Our Learning

Looking Ahead to 2022-2023

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” — Richard Branson

As a school community, we continue to learn by doing.  We don't learn the first time, but we learn from trying over and over. Sometimes we fall, but we are learning to get up and keep going.  We are determined to install perseverance and resilience in our students and one of the ways we can do that is by modelling perseverance in our own learning journey. With that in mind, here are some of our plans for this year. 

ACTIONS  We are committed to moving forward with our focus and supporting our students to move forward through the following actions:

  • Dedicated time in staff meetings to focus on our question, share ideas and resources and talk about next steps.
  • Professional learning with a focus on problem solving across the curriculum through an Innovation Grant.
  • Explicitly teach and modelling problem solving strategies
  • Further develop the tools in our students' tool box so that they have strategies to draw on when working through challenging tasks.
  • As a staff, develop a common bank of vocabulary and strategies that can be used with students, so students are hearing the same words and phrases.
  • Continue to focus on our abilities and build our self-awareness through goal setting and reflection
  • A school story bulletin board that highlights what is happening in the school with our school story and our common language is highlighted
  • Collaboration time for teachers to work and plan together.  While collaboration time is happening, Mrs. Schwartz will be working with one class on school story topics and surveys.

EVIDENCE Through our commitment and dedication to growth mindset, problem solving and goal setting, we hope to see:

  • Students who are able to name more strategies that they can draw on when faced with a challenging task.
  • Students who are able to set tangible personal goals and reflect on how it is going with those goals.
  • Students who are able to transfer these strategies to curricular areas such as literacy and numeracy.

Our Evidence for 2020-21

How are we going to gather evidence of student learning related to our focus?

-Student Mindset Self Reflections at the beginning of the 2020/20121 school year and then again near the end of the school year.

-All staff completed the EASE training (Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators)

-Staff currently working with students to teach EASE lessons

-Teachers completed the DESSA (Social Emotial Learning Assessment) and student SEL surveys 

-Student Self Assessment of their work. Determining their attitudes and beliefs about their own ability to learn and improve through viewing their reflections of their work. Student reflections of their work can be completed in many ways, including oral explanations, checklists and written form. 


How will we know we have made a difference?

-Student Reflections, Teacher Rubrics of individual students, and teacher observations of student effort, attitude, resiliency and level of anxiety will give us insight into the impact of our efforts


How will we analyze and communicate our evidence?

-Share and discuss at Staff Meetings and ProD Days

-Provide updates to our community in school newsletters and on the school website